Dr. Malinowski's Networked Cyberphysical Systems Laboratory

Offered Courses about aspects of Embedded Systems and Computer Networks

The laboratory opened in early Fall 2007 and supports students of Dr. Malinowski's four elective courses as well as ECE470/570 which is one of the core digital elective course:

Microcontroller Linux and Operating Systems (Course)

Linux Documentation and How Tos

Linux, ucLinux, and other Operating Systems

Virtual Machines

BeagLebONE Family Embedded Platform (featured)

RaspberryPi Embedded Platform

FreeRTOS - used in C and RTOS for Embedded Systems

STM32F74 Nucleo-144 board documents

STM32F74 Nucleo-144 board software

All 8-bit Silicon Labs 8051 Family Systems

8-bit Silicon Labs 8051 with TCP/IP stack

8-bit Silicon Labs 8051 System with USB stack

8-bit Silicon Labs 8051 Evaluation System with LCD Display

8-bit Silicon Labs 8051 System with CAN bus stack

ECE205 with Atmel ATMega 128

ATmega128 Tutorials

ATmega128 Data Sheets

ATmega128 Software Support

Prototype Board and Peripherals

Soundcard Oscilloscopes

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