Offered Courses about aspects of Embedded Systems and Computer Networks
The laboratory opened in early Fall 2007 and
supports students of Dr. Malinowski's four elective courses as well as
ECE470/570 which is one of the core digital elective course:
Microcontroller Linux and Operating Systems (Course)
Linux Documentation and How Tos
Linux, ucLinux, and other Operating Systems
Virtual Machines
BeagLebONE Family Embedded Platform (featured)
RaspberryPi Embedded Platform
FreeRTOS - used in C and RTOS for Embedded Systems
STM32F74 Nucleo-144 board documents
STM32F74 Nucleo-144 board software
All 8-bit Silicon Labs 8051 Family Systems
8-bit Silicon Labs 8051 with TCP/IP stack
8-bit Silicon Labs 8051 System with USB stack
8-bit Silicon Labs 8051 Evaluation System with LCD Display
8-bit Silicon Labs 8051 System with CAN bus stack
ECE205 with Atmel ATMega 128
ATmega128 Tutorials
ATmega128 Data Sheets
ATmega128 Software Support
Prototype Board and Peripherals
Soundcard Oscilloscopes