ECE471/571 (RTOS) Assignment 11

Program 1 (40pts.)

Reproduce the process that was demonstrated in class in which a project was created for the STM32F7 Nucleo-144 board. This time add the "third party component" of FreeRTOS. Verify that the project compiles and produces the desired results. Then alter the code so that you have two tasks and a queue. One task shall detect changes in the user button state and communicate them to the second task using a queue. The second task shall respond to the communication by the means of changing the state or on-off pattern of one or more uer LEDs. It is a loosely defined application. The goal is to have a simple exercise with setting up user tasks and communication among them.

Homework Submission

After testing your program on the board, compress all files from your project folder (including any temporary files created by the compiler). Use ZIP file format (WinZIP or 7Zip). Submit on-line via Canvas.

Thank you.

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