ECE471/571 (RTOS) Silicon Labs 8051 Examples - Part 3: USB, Menu Driven, and More

Documentation, data sheets, etc.

  Main/Ethernet Board USB Board RTC & LCD Display Board
Processor C8051F12x-13x.pdf C8051F34x.pdf C8051F41x.pdf
Board C8051F12x-DK.pdf
Manufacturer C8051F12x DK C8051F34x DK C8051F411 EK
Tool Chain Integration options for SDCC for small memory model (which is default)
options for assembler -plosgff
options for compiler --use-stdout -V --debug --xram-size VALUE -c
options for linker --use-stdout -V --debug --xram-size VALUE
--xram-size VALUE number to insert into the options above 8448 4096 2048

Examples discussed in class

Examples are added as course progresses. Examples might be improved or expanded after the lecture to reflect outcomes of in class discussion. Actual examples discussed in class may be slightly different. Some examples may require editing compiler locations in configuration files in order to run on your computer.

SubjectUSB BoardRTC & LCD Display Board
Project template with serial port console U13_CONSOLE  N/A
Project template with serial port console - Keil C syntax U13_CONSOLE_KEIL  N/A
Investigating character receiving and string edit with echo U13_CONSOLE_ECHO  N/A
Using getchar without sending characters back - no echo U13_CONSOLE_NOECHO  N/A
Modifying Flash memory and accessing scratch pad U14_FLASH  N/A
USB Human Interface Device - mouse N/A
USB Human Interface Device - keyboard N/A
Menu-driven user interface with LCD and buttons N/A L01_F411EK_OKEIL
Menu-driven user interface with LCD and buttons N/A L01_F411EK_SDCC

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